Feathers - - -
We spotted quite a few of our feathered friends in the Northwoods. Too bad those feathered friends wouldn't hold still to pose before my camera - - -
Several times we saw a small flock of wild turkeys on the same road bank. I managed to catch a fleeting shot of one.
We take hummingbird feeders and always enjoy their frenzied antics. This is a female Ruby-Throated at our feeder. Notice the water line in the feeder - - - these birds have voracious appetites!!! Greg refilled the feeders about every other day.
Papa Ruby-Throat.
Red-Headed Woodpecker. This little scoundrel appeared often in our trees, but was very adept at hide-and-seek with my camera.
Cedar Waxwing. My only life-time sighting of this particular little beauty.
Loons. We are simply LOONY about loons. Here is an adult with a juvenile. Look closely for the red eye on mama.
Entire loon family. One parent has a fish in it's beak ready to feed the young.
On water these birds are all grace - - - different story when they go on land to nest.
Sand Hill Cranes.
Greg radioed in from the boat one evening that there were pelicans on the lake. I responded that we don't have pelicans in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, it must be something else. He, being a Floridian said, "Keetha, I know my pelicans!!!!" To which I asked what he'd been drinking!!!! Well - - - he snapped this picture - - - and what do you think? PELICANS.
Later in town he told the "experts" at the fly fishing store that he'd sighted pelicans. Their first question, "Was alcohol involved?" He promptly showed them this picture to which they said, "Those are pelicans all right!!!
Pelicans!!! In the Northwoods!!! Go figure.
They were only on the lake one evening and the following morning. We guess they were migrating from Lake Superior (which does from time to time have some pelicans) south.
Pelicans!!! In the Northwoods!!! Go figure.
They were only on the lake one evening and the following morning. We guess they were migrating from Lake Superior (which does from time to time have some pelicans) south.
Splendid shots, splendid birds.
I need to go back to Hayward, I think.
Oh yes, it is a lovely place to 'go back to.'
What do you think of the pelican story?
Great pictures, Mom! You should work for a State Park or Wildlife Center. LOL!
Those sure are pelicans!
LOL about the pelicans. I thought it was REALLY funny that dad got asked TWICE if alcohol was involved - - - by me and the guides in town!!!
And WHITE pelicans, no less!!!! In South Florida we had the brown pelicans. One winter we had a flock of about 10 white pelicans that landed in the bay between Cabbage Key and Cayo Costa. We were so awed by the whites since we were so used to seeing the browns.
Yah, they were white!!
Yes I do KNOW it's 2010 now but I have this amazing theory about the pelicans. Maybe they just dropped by for a drink? Isn't that earth shattering?
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