Greg 'n Keetha Stuff

OK, let's be honest. This is really KEETHA stuff. Sometimes I write about Greg - - - but he has never in his life made one single post of his own. He has occasionally made a comment or two. So - - - come on in and visit with me, Keetha, for a while. I'd love it if you left your foot prints. (Interpretation: COMMENT PLEASE ;-)

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Location: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, United States

Come on in. I'm a Wisconsin Badger who is Older than Dirt, Busy, Bubbly, Passionate, and a Prolific Communicator.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

We're Goin' To The Chapel - - -

And we're gonna get married!!!

Ross and Christie Owen

Ross and Christie are presented at their reception

"We did it!!! We got married!!!"

What's next?!?

First Dance - - -

As Mr. and Mrs. Ross Owen

Ross dances with - - -

His mom


Blogger Shannon said...

Looks so fun! I love your daughter's dress! I'm glad you had fun!

8/27/2007 3:01 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

It was a great time!!! Doesn't Diane look HAPPY!?!

8/27/2007 6:59 PM  
Blogger Kim and Mike said...

No way! Diane's kids can NOT be old enough to be getting married! When I left 9 years ago, they were little kids! I guess they have to grow up, but it seems like time should stand still while I'm away. :)

8/29/2007 2:03 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

LOL - - - Ross graduated from IWU this spring, Keaton graduated from LCS this spring, and Conner is now a freshman at LCS!!! Time flies when you are having fun - - - doesn't it?!?!

8/29/2007 4:21 PM  

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