I need help!! (Imagine that!)
So my dilemma is, what to do about it?????
What I'd really LIKE to do is purchase more blog space and keep this very same little ole blog going. BUT - - - I cannot find any place on blogger that offers me that option, or any other suggestions for that matter.
My second idea is to begin a new blog and link the old one as one big archive. My worry about that is Blogger could decide it is "idle" too long and delete the whole thing.
So - - - - all you blogging brilliants out there - - - - WHAT DO I DO?????
Oh dear! I didnĀ“t even know you could FILL UP a blog space!!!
Well, I didn't either. But, when you post pictures, at the bottom of that form where you say what size picture and the position (right, center, left) there is a little tally of the space you've used. I've used 96% BEFORE this last post. I was afraid I was going to run out of space while I was on vacation and did NOT want to mess with that from the LIBRARY!!!!
How about going back in your archives and start taking out "some" of the old pictures? Like take out two for every new one you put in for awhile - and try to get it down to about 70 - 80%?
That does work to a degree, Papa - - - I've already done that several times. But then, I might as well delete the whole beginning of my blog - - - - then I don't have the "history" of it any more - - - -
But, I guess I may do that.
By looks of it, I thought you were going to say you needed fashion advice. Come on Keetha, that sweater thing has got to go! I can't help you with your other question- but I can take you shopping- that is if you come visit!
"That sweater thing" is my BATH ROBE!!! It is warm and fuzzy - - - so it's not going. I only wear it at home - - - too bad if I put pictures of it on here for the ENTIRE blogosphere to see.
Well, I have no idea how to help. We pay for our space. I don't know how much we have or anything about it. That's Stephen's area. I'll ask him, though.
Thanks, Deven!!!
For the time being, and to buy myself more time, I have gone back and deleted my first couple of months worth of posts. Farewell all that HISTORY!!!!
You mean you haven't backed up your blog on your own computer (or a couple of DVDs, or something)?
I save each month's posts on our computer, and back that up on a couple of other media. Of course, I don't think I post so much as you do, and don't use photos very often.
www.blogger.com has no guarantee of eternal life, although I hope it doesn't go away anytime soon.
Come back, Mentor Prof, and EDUCATE me. I don't even know HOW to back up my blog either on the computer OR a DVD.
I suggest moving over to Wordpress. I've used several blogging platforms before (Blogger and Typepad), and Wordpress definitely has the most user-friendly platform. They have a free option and a paid. If you get the free option and manage to fill it, you can pay a little extra for more space.
There's also a lot of sites that tell you have to move your blog to a new blog host, or, as you said, you can just link to it.
Good luck!
Mrs. Broyles: I'm sorry about your blog issue. Hope you can resolve the problem!
I just found your comments on my blog - sorry it took me so long. The surprise was for Matthew's 16th birthday.
And Matthew wanted to tell you:
hey big-B: i do miss u but id rather miss u than c u in class. lol :)
~matthew mcadams
(But we all know that he really loves science - and your class!)
I didn't even know you could fill up blogger. I post photos all the time and never noticed it. hmm.. I will have to pay attention next time.
Oh Houston...we have a problem!!!! I just turned 'puter on and read this. I even called and left message on your cell phone. Do I need to print all of your old pix before they are destroyed???
If it would help, you can have ALL of my blogger space that's left and as you know I have LOTS left!!!!
I am in shock. I thought the internetherworld was infinite...
LOL Groovy - - - what I have filled up is my photo space. I didn't know how to shrink my photos and have been putting them on directly from my camera. Someone has helped me find an online site that will shrink them for me, so that should solve a LOT of my problem!!
I miss you woman
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