Look What the Mother's Day Fairy Left - - -
On my front porch today!!!!
Top row:
Cassia - milk chocolate fresh creme with honey and a hint of cassia cinnamon.
Chai - dark chocolate fresh creme with chai tea of India
Valencia - orange marzipan with glace orange peel and apricots, dipped in white chocolate and topped with a ginger slice
Second row:
Brazil - sweetened Brazil nuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, and orange peel
Aztec - pecan brittle covered with pecan gianduja dipped in milk chocolate and garnished with finely ground ancho chili peppers
Dulce Caliente - pure raspberry jelly covered in dark chocolate which ends with a jalepeno heat wave
Third Row:
Boysenberry - a fresh creme made with Madagascar vanilla beans surrounds an intense splash of boysenberry juice dipped in white chocolate
Espresso - an intense dark chocolate espresso ganache is topped with milk chocolate fresh creme then dipped in dark chocolate
Passion - white chocolate-passion fruit ganache dipped in milk chocolate
I can't WAIT to eat them, what am I doing sitting here TYPING about them???
Thanks Keri!!!!
You're welcome! We love you! Enjoy them and don't share!
Don't worry - - - when it comes to my De Brands, I'm a first class PIG!!!
Check for a fourth layer - maybe the fairy hid your cheese in there.
Where do you find this brand? It's new to me.
DeBrand is in Fort Wayne, IN. They started out with one store and now have three plus a huge corporate office! Donald Trump even buys their chocolates for his clients!
You can check them out on the web at www.debrand.com and order yourself a treat! =) It's worth it.
I don't suppose you are interested in joining Chocoholics Anonymous?
Char, you have to get them here in Fort Wayne or order them online - - - but they are YUMMY.
Dr. LaBar - - - I COULD join Chocoholics Anonymous, but since I don't WANT to be cured, it wouldn't do me any good!!!
Oh - - - another thing, Char - - - they are the only chocolatier I know of that makes the chocolate part from scratch with their own secret recipe. THAT'S why they are soooooo good.
This post is soooo mean! How could you do this to a pregnant woman?!? And go into so much detail for that matter!
Oh my! Anyone who does a nasty post like this needs to go to the altar -and have serious spiritual counseling. I love chocolate!
OK folks - - - it wasn't MEAN at all, just go to www.debrand.com and you may ORDER what you like.
It's a bit pricey, but worth EVERY penny.
Ooops - - that j. roscoe comment was REALLY me - - - I was on Jaena's computer!!! Hehehehehehehe
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