Let the Spring Break Blog-Venture Begin!
I am on Spring Break from school!!!!! Hip-hip-hooray!!!
I decided to take you along with me on my blog-venture for the next few days. Hope you enjoy the ride!!!!
Spring was sprung yesterday and tomorrow is Easter - - - so of course today we have SNOW!!!!! Happy birthday to you, sister Pam - - - I KNOW how you and hubby Joe LOVE this white stuff.
Actually, I've already been out of school for a day and a half - - - a BLISSFUL day and a half, I might add. So far I've only been a chair-potato and watched the Big Dance. In honor of Daughter-Number-One who hates my sports, I shall not post any pictures of that. (You are very welcome, Keri!!)
Oh dear - - - the snow is coming down in blizzard-esque fashion out there now. Perhaps that will make the REST of my blog-venture even more fun - - - we shall see.
The rest of today's adventure involves boring things like paying bills, finishing up laundry, and PACKING. I will spare you those photos, and just leave you to wonder why I am PACKING.
Toodle-ooo - - - - see you tomorrow or the next day.
HAHA! Yeah and Korie and Chris are coming over tonight but they have asked nicely if they can watch the Notre Dame game. So basketball will be on in my house this evening!
Your lunch looks delicious.
Hey - - - THANKS for NOT giving away where my bloggy-venture is taking me.
I'm sure you will enjoy the ND game - - - especially WHEN they win. ;-)
My lunch does look delicious in the photo - - - though it is NOT quite as attractive ON ME as it is in the dish. ;-)
I'm JEALOUS of what you're doing tomorrow. Very jealous!!!
Jealous that you won't be watching OLD TAPED COLLEGE FOOTBALL games, NCAA BB, and Nascar????
Ummm no...you're insane for doing that while you'll be where you'll be!!!
Not insane - - - a good little D-I-L.
That should be F D-I-L!!!
Wish their so-journ would begin today, and you and Macky were with them...you could jump out here and we would go see Elton John in Tally!!!!! Bet Macky would love that!!!!!Yeah, he would probably like the fancy glasses.
Keri, tell Korie that Jim is going to an STD meeting today and he is wearing his pin.....remember at Grandma's condo????
OOOPS....forgot to sign..
I don't remember this STD story - - - though I DO know what an STD is and I wouldn't want to wear a pin proclaiming to the world that I HAD one!!!!!Hehehehehehehe
Hopefully, Jim's STD is of a different sort - - - -
Remember Jim wore Greg's jacket and Jim kept looking for his SCV (Sons of Confederate Veterans) pin and Korie was asking us why Jim had to wear an STD pin??? It was one of those moments we all needed a good laugh!!!!
I thought it had something to do with that - - - but I couldn't get the letters STD to come out to SCV. LOL
I know where she's going! I know where she's going! And I agree Keri, I wouldn't be anywhere NEAR a TV set if I were there!
Good thing you and Keri aren't me then Donny!!!
I know where you're going, too. Enjoy your break and the weather. I'm afraid we've gone from winter straight to summer-it was 90 here today! Ugh-what I wouldn't do for a little snow.
Sounds like fun. I'll check in more often this week. John will be in Mexico on a missions trip with the high school group. No hope of getting any pictures of that!
Happy Spring Break!
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