Greg 'n Keetha Stuff

OK, let's be honest. This is really KEETHA stuff. Sometimes I write about Greg - - - but he has never in his life made one single post of his own. He has occasionally made a comment or two. So - - - come on in and visit with me, Keetha, for a while. I'd love it if you left your foot prints. (Interpretation: COMMENT PLEASE ;-)

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Location: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, United States

Come on in. I'm a Wisconsin Badger who is Older than Dirt, Busy, Bubbly, Passionate, and a Prolific Communicator.

Monday, July 09, 2007

If The Shoe Fits - - -

Wear it!!!


Blogger Char said...

How did we miss this? Richard's friend never even mentioned it. Guess it's not his idea of what to do with a guy you haven't seen in 50 years!

(But they did keep in touch!)

7/11/2007 10:59 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

LOL!!! On the south end of town, right on 3 there is a Steve Alford hotel, and this shoe is out in front.
We found it because it was right next to a Steak 'n Shake!!!

7/11/2007 11:27 PM  

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