Barely Alive at Fifty-Five
I'm not 55 yet, but hubby is and it rhymed - - - works for me.
You KNOW you're barely alive when your Friday nights go like this AND you find it is as much excitement as you want or need for the entire week:
This is hubby, el Queso Grande, and our waiter, Poncho.
For over a year Poncho vowed and declared that his real name WAS Poncho. Our wise-in-Latin-American-Ways friend, Gerson, was not convinced so easily. Come to find out - - - Gerson KNOWS. This is REALLY Ramiro, ever to be known to us as Poncho!!!
The food was GREAT and we waddled out the door full to the gills and beyond.
Heavy risk takers we.
(As if to HIGHLIGHT this threat, the weather bug on my computer just gave me a warning clap of thunder.)
Slightly later addendum: He was back in about 15 minutes - - - but caught three bad little bass before the storm settled in.
They'll do in a pinch!!!
I'm almost finished with this blog post, and unless your comments start pouring in I'm afraid I'll have to look for excitement on TV - - - which for me will probably mean rewatching my DVRed Badger football game from last November. Can't get enough of that, ya know!
Still later addendum: I'm too slow. El Queso Grande has the remote and he won't be looking for DVRed football games I can just tell ya. Honestly, the man CLAIMS to be a football fan but never wants to WATCH it. I think that means he IS NO FOOTBALL FAN!!!
So - - - - what excitements are going on over yonder in YOUR NECK OF THE WOODS tonight?
I am taking a quick break to check my emails, etc. We are busy prepping our house for a 10:00 a.m. "showing" tomorrow. Lots to do to make it look "staged" at this late hour. The dark chocolate w/raspberry candies look delicious. Tell me how they are. Dark chocolate and raspberry are my absolute favorite combos for dessert but the flan at Si Senor in Kendallville is a close second. Enjoy your weekend!
Kathy - - - they were good, but NO MATCH for the dark chocolate raspberry candies at De Brands.
I'm still really really really sad about your house getting sold. :-(
Our excitements tonight included (not in this order) projectile spit up from Piper, MJ slipped and fell in the shower (he's fine), Jason grilled chicken for supper. We're rounding out our night with "National Treasure 2" and I have one cherry cordial from DeBrand's left (THANK YOU GRAMMY)!!!
I just bought Hershey Bliss today. They are ok, but not as good as Dove in my opinion and NOTHING compares to DeBrand!!!
Amen to everything you said, Carmen!
Keri - - - you're not NEARLY 50 yet and here you are having nearly as exciting a weekend night as we had!!!!
Keetha, I am sad about selling the house but excited about a new adventure. Lots of memories in these old walls. Many more to make in another location. Daunting task of getting ready to sell/move. You've done it. You know what it is like!
It is WAY daunting. I hope to not do it again any time soon!!!!
OH ! How about 'Stayin' Alive' at 55 ? Ha! That will be my theme song, soon. (Anyway...made me think of the BeeGees song).
I see you are trying the Bliss. Not hooked yet? My favorite is the Milk Chocolate w/ the Meltaway Center...they are in the brown & tan bag.
Oh, let's see....for our Friday night....our usual is to go to Lowe's, grab a bite to eat somewhere and do a few other errands....Walgreen's & once in a great while, I get DC to go into Walmart....NOT the best thing to do on a Friday night in Marion, IN...but....sometimes, you just gotta do whatcha gotta do.
For last night, we stayed home...I nursed a headache & lounged in the recliner, flipping back & forth on the TV between all HGTV home decorating/selling shows and What Not to Wear on TLC.
Big Daddy Doug mowed the lawn & who knows what else...Ha ! I was in heaven in "his" chair.
So, as you can see, things are not so exciting at the Carl household.
And, our son is always the first to tell us we are getting old.
Lovely thing, he is ! :-)
Jackie, I gave up watching "What Not to Wear" just as soon as I saw what I LOOK LIKE in basic khaki pants 'cause I just gotta wear them sometimes ANYWAY!!!! YIKES.
I DO like your title for this post better than mine - - - - but unfortunately mine fit the SUBJECT material better - - - what fully ALIVE person would have a Friday night as exciting (NOT) as ours?
Thanks for the honorable mention of Gerson in your blog. His response - I'm paraphrasing and translating - "Of course his name wans't Pancho! It's an obvious nickname."
There ya go - - - nothing like Latin-American Savvy!!!
However - - - in NORTH America, at least, people are giving children names that have always either been nicknames or NOT EVEN NAMES - - - so one can never tell - - -
Our Friday nite was MORE uneventful than yours! However, we did have a full day today as it was "Heritage Day" in Madison. Such a nice early 4th celebration in our little town!!! We enjoyed REAL homemade key lime tarts...yummy.
Keri, you are so welcome and glad you are enjoying!!!
Like that motto "Stayin Alive" but ours would be a few more years, and one of my favorite Bee Gees songs!!!
Happy Birthday Gret
Happy Birthday Greg? Not until September - - - oh PLEASE don't get him thinking we all owe him birthday homage from now until then!!!! :-)
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