Greg 'n Keetha Stuff

OK, let's be honest. This is really KEETHA stuff. Sometimes I write about Greg - - - but he has never in his life made one single post of his own. He has occasionally made a comment or two. So - - - come on in and visit with me, Keetha, for a while. I'd love it if you left your foot prints. (Interpretation: COMMENT PLEASE ;-)

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Location: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, United States

Come on in. I'm a Wisconsin Badger who is Older than Dirt, Busy, Bubbly, Passionate, and a Prolific Communicator.

Friday, April 20, 2007

And Here They Come!!!

Our first glimpse of the world travelers.

Do you see the green t-shirts scattered in this mob? Those are Kyle and his classmates. I think MAYBE I can see Kyle's head in all that crowd. (I was standing up on a bench to get this photo ;-)

Brittney and Kyle.

Laura, small but mighty. Ole's fishing buddy Sven's daughter.

The LCS art teacher, Senior Class Sponsor, Kyle's friend Keaton's mom, and my kindred spirit - - - Diane. I'm glad you're back!!!

Waiting for luggage


Blogger grammy said...

What a CUTE couple!!!

4/21/2007 9:45 AM  

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