The LCS Family Waits - - -
For the return of our Ecuador travelers.
Pretty much ALL these people are LCS family - - -
Parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends of the LCS seniors gather at the Indy airport to await their return. I think we were a bit overwhelming!!!
Ole and Sven (known to each other as "Gregie" and "Markie") CAN do more than fish - - - - here they are waiting for their offspring to return.
My friend Diane's son, Connor, and her parents.
Greg, my TA Brittney, and Kyndra a Biology student. These two girls rode to the air port with us.
Rachel, one of my Biology students and Katie, one of my Anatomy students - - - waiting for their friend Kali to get off the plane.
John and Joy, parents of the twins Jessie and Jewel, who are part of Kyle's class.
Center is Cherie who works in the business office and is the mom of a world traveler. She is surrounded by four of my students; Christine, Brianna (Cherie's daughter), and Lacey are all in Physical Science and Shandalyn (white t-shirt) is in Anatomy.
Andrew and Shelby, Biology students, Andrew's sister was on the trip.
How come all the HOOSIERS at the airport are more tan than the people coming home from ECUADOR?!?!? Something just doesn't seem right here....LOL
Well - - - - the GOAL is for each returning senior to have several people there to MEET them. Like, there were THREE of us to meet Kyle.
Oh yah, one more thing - - - every year there are one or two that have NO ONE who comes. I always feel bad for them - - - they just sort of hover there looking lost.
That's so sad that some have no one to meet them at airport. Just wish we lived closer...
Brittany is DARLING!!!
Glad Kyle had the experience and he must have many stories to write about now. I always enjoy his writings and also drawings. He is SO talented!!!
I remember meeting Diane's parents in Kyle and Keaton's art class on "grandparents day". What fun memories and could not believe Kyle's artistic talents!!!
LOL Grammy - - - you are the SECOND person to suggest that Kyle might WRITE to all of us about his trip - - - - keep hoping, but I'm not holding my breath!!!
Usually it isn't that the student didn't HAVE anyone that COULD have come, but perhaps their parents were working or something - - - - I never really understand it. Greg and I went both times, for Korie and Kyle.
Maybe Kyle could write a speech about his trip.
Glad they're all home. Let the stories begin!
Just stopped by to read your blog now that I know who you are. :-)
Kee Kee-
Does Gregie and Markie call each other so they will be dressed alike in black shirts???? Tee Hee!!!!
LOL, Grammy!!! Not that I KNOW of - - - but who could say for sure?
Hi Toevs Family - - - THANKS for stopping by!!! I didn't post about today yet - - - but I still plan to do so.
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