Greg 'n Keetha Stuff

OK, let's be honest. This is really KEETHA stuff. Sometimes I write about Greg - - - but he has never in his life made one single post of his own. He has occasionally made a comment or two. So - - - come on in and visit with me, Keetha, for a while. I'd love it if you left your foot prints. (Interpretation: COMMENT PLEASE ;-)

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Location: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, United States

Come on in. I'm a Wisconsin Badger who is Older than Dirt, Busy, Bubbly, Passionate, and a Prolific Communicator.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Kyle's Graduation

Our baby is all grown up.

He graduated from LCS on Saturday, May 26.

Now he and his friends will move on to bigger and better (?) things!!

Nick, Kyle, Loren, John, Andrew, and Ryan - - - graduates all.

Kyle and crew - - - random graduation pose.


Blogger Char said...

Must be a load off of your shoulders! Is he planning to move out?

He'll always be the "baby" though. I hope you've told him that!

5/28/2007 8:28 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...


Actually - - - he will probably be here for the summer, then he hopes to come your way. He wants to go with YWAM for a year, and if he does he will train out in LA.

5/28/2007 9:00 PM  
Blogger grammy said...

What a "good looking graduate"!!! Love the hair cut!!!! BTW, have tried to enlarge pix but they are fuzzy & can't figure out if he is holding cupcake...knowing J. must be joke!!!

5/29/2007 8:26 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

He IS holding a cupcake, good call.

They are fuzzy when you enlarge 'cause my camera doesn't always focus right when I'm using flash.

You remember the little speeches the graduates make? Well - - - Kyle got up there and said he was going to do an interpretive dance instead of give a speech!!!!!

5/29/2007 4:41 PM  

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