Yesterday's Labor of Love - - -
No - - - Greg LOVES his lawn and he LOVES the work that goes into keeping it up. So, even though this was difficult, back breaking work - he came in that night exhausted but HAPPY.
(Notice the Golf Course hasn't gotten very far in clearing away that fallen tree in the background!!!)
This is ONE time when it is certainly true that things have to get WORSE before they can get better!!!
Glad you found a way to water the lawn without having any rain. Just a few more days and it can rain. We're almost ready. :-) Oh, wait... the roads need to get done first. They say the first of October. Can you wait that long? Ha Ha
Silly goose!!! I guess we can wait as long as we have to, can't we!?! (I can just hear little Emma preachin' it!)
I just hope this new grass gets a good foothold before winter weather sets in. Fall is actually a GREAT time to plant grass - - - IF it gets a good chance to get going before the really cold weather sets in.
okay now wait, which one looks like a mini eiffel tower? the lawn watering contraption or your shadow?????
LOL Haley!!!! I HOPE my shadow does NOT look like a mini Eiffel tower - - -I HOPE it is the lawn watering contraption that looks like the tower!!! (I don't know though - - - my hips are widening - - - )
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