Mom's in the Hospital
Recently she has been having some episodes of nearly passing out. After the last such episode, dad took her to the ER and then to their family doctor. The doctor sent her to a cardiologist.
Yesterday when she met with the cardiologist, he admitted her to the hospital. She is having atrial fibrillation and has to be put on a blood thinner. She'll be in for four or five days as they try to regulate her dose.
With a feisty attitude and strong will to survive, mom has already outlived the best-case scenario for her diagnosis.
So sorry to hear your mother is in the hospital but glad they know what is wrong.
Give her and your dad our best. She will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Thanks, grammy.
God help her.
Yesterday the cardiologist decided not to try the blood thinner, but started her on meds to regulate the heart rate instead. She continues to maintain a chipper spirit.
Dad is doing well through all of this too. He spends most of his time right there at her bedside, but still manages to keep all his normal household chores caught up AND run errands for everyone else too - - - typical John Heavilin style. (He can do more in five minutes than I've accomplished in my entire LIFE.)
"To hospital, to hospital to fix a loose cog,
Home again, home again jiggety jog."
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